Usually 20 minutes of HIIT training is more effective than running on a treadmill for an hour. The point is that the former achieves better results and saves as much as 40 minutes.
The following is a specific HIIT high-intensity interval training plan :
1. Swing your legs back and forth: 30 seconds each for the left and right legs

2. Standing elbow to knee: 30 seconds

3. Kick before squat: 30 seconds

4. Jump left and right: 30 seconds

5. Jumping jacks: 30 seconds

HIIT main action:
The following four sets of movements are performed for 10 seconds each, with no rest between movements. After completing the complete set, rest for 20 seconds, and cycle 6 times. People with sufficient physical strength can appropriately lengthen the time of each action (up to 60 seconds).
1. Squat on tiptoes front and back

2. Run on the spot with your knees high


4. Jumping jacks

Rest action: 20 seconds